My name is Yitzchak Goldstein and I am the director of Machon Ot where we specialize in the refurbishing of old Sifrei Torah, coding against theft and researching the origin and calligraphic styles of Sifrei Torah which developed over the ages.
Forty years ago I conclude my studies at the Shaalvim Yeshivat Hesder and continued to study at Yeshivat Merkaz Harav in Jerusalem. As I wanted to continue to study while at the same time being able to support my family, it was suggested that I study to become a “sofer” (scribe).
While immersed in my studies I became exposed to a world which I knew little about. The letters which were written so deliberately and exactly over hundreds of years as began to speak to me and inspire me.
In 1986 my late brother-in-law, Rabbi Yitzckak Steiner z”l and I established Machon Ot.
Rabbi Steiner z”l succeeded in writing 13 Sifrei Torah during his lifetime and was recognized as an expert in the laws related to the writing of Sifrei Torah, both practically and spiritually. Many people, including well known rabbis, began turning to him with questions which required his opinion and depth of knowledge.
With time, people started bringing in Sifrei Torah written in different locations and periods of time and in this manner I began to learn the history of Jewish communities throughout the world.
In order to learn how to restore and refurbish old Sifrei Torah, we turned to museums and experts in the field of manuscripts and with their guidance we learned how to restore, repair and date Sifrei Torah and return them to use in the synagogue.
The owners of these old Sifrei Torah are happy to share their personal histories and those of their Torah, many of which are quite astounding.
We have also developed a system of coding a Torah in such a manner as to be able to identify its owner even if all other proofs of ownership (covers, wooden rollers, etc.) have been removed. Currently more than 16,000 Sifrei Torah have been registered in this manner and are now entered in our international data base.
With each Torah that we succeed in refurbishing and restoring to use, I feel that I am another link in the chain of generations which began at Sinai and which continues to this very day.
My dream is to be able to rescue, save and restore old Sifrei Torah from around the world, to record their stories and to store them in such a manner so that this treasury of information will be preserved and made available to future generations.